Editor Features¶
UI Elements¶
Dashboard View¶
The primary view is the dashboard, which lets among other things create a script project and recompile game's scripts.
Vanilla Scripts View¶
This view lets you see all available vanilla script files that you can import/checkout into your project.
Contents View¶
Script "contents" or "packages" are seperate units of code that WIDE can recognize. These include custom WIDE projects, REDkit projects and raw Mod directories. You can learn more about the project system that WIDE uses here.
Status Bar¶
Status bar displays context information about the last worked on project and any processes that might be going on currently in the background.
Creating and initializing script projects¶
Loading REDkit projects is also natively supported with some prior requirements outlined here.
Syntax highlighting¶
Basic syntax analysis¶
Importing and comparing scripts with their vanilla counterparts¶
Hover tooltips¶
Go to definition/declaration¶
More coming soon!
Command palette¶
"Initialize a WitcherScript project in existing directory..."
Will establish a basic file structure of a WitcherScript project in a given existing directory. Initial name of the project is picked based upon the directory name.
"Create a new WitcherScript project..."
Will create a new directory and establish a basic file structure of a WitcherScript project inside it.
"Import scripts from vanilla into project..."
Invokes a file chooser to pick vanilla scripts you want to import into your project. If more than one WitcherScript project exists in the workspace, prompts the user to choose the project.
Command requires that the content0
content is known and is a dependency to a given project.
"Compare script with vanilla counterpart"
Shows a difference view between the original vanilla script and the imported, modified script in the project.
"Launch the game (DX12)"
Launches the DirectX12 version of the game.
"Launch the game for debugging (DX12)"
Launches the DirectX12 version of the game with arguments to enable debugging it.
"Launch the game (DX11)"
Launches the DirectX11 version of the game.
"Launch the game for debugging (DX11)"
Launches the DirectX11 version of the game with arguments to enable debugging it.
"Recompile game scripts"
Remotely connects to the game to trigger script recompilation.
"Execute console command"
Remotely connects to the game to execute a command that would normally be entered in the debug console.
"Open extension logs"
Open WIDE's language client output view.
"Open extension settings"
Open the settings page on WIDE's section.
"Show script AST"
Shows the Abstract Syntax Tree of the currently focused on script as it is uderstood by the language server.
Warning: if document's identation is done with tabs instead of spaces it may not show accurate symbol span data.
Requires debug features to be enabled.
"Show script CST"
Shows the Concrete Syntax Tree of the currently focused on script as it is uderstood by the language server.
Warning: if document's identation is done with tabs instead of spaces it may not show accurate symbol span data.
Requires debug features to be enabled.
"Show content graph"
Shows the graph in Graphviz .dot format representing the overall content dependency graph of the workspace.
Requires debug features to be enabled.
"Show script symbols"
Shows code symbols that have been extracted from the currently focused on script file.
Requires debug features to be enabled.
"Clear global persistent data"
Clears global VSCode extension database entries created by the client. Useful mostly for testing.
Requires debug features to be enabled.
Path to Witcher 3's root game directory (containing bin, content, Mods folders etc.). This will effectively add content
and Mods
folders to content repositories.
Paths to custom directories containing WitcherScript contents. Useful when not having Witcher 3 installed on your local machine or when simply storing scripts outside of game directory.
What is the method you use to launch and mod the game. Affects remote commands in the dashboard view. Possible values:
- editor - the game launched through the REDkit modding tool,
- standalone - the game launched on its own with debug arguments,
- auto - the method gets automatically detected
IPv4 address of the game host. It is used when running remote game commands such as script recompilation. Change this if you're running the game on a different computer from the one you're currently working in VSCode. Defaults to the localhost address.
Enable the language server. True by default. You can disable this if you only want syntax highlighting. Change requires extension reload.
Enable syntax analysis in the language server. True by default. This may require window reload if there are unresolved syntax analysis related diagnostics present.
Number of threads allocated to parallel data computation. Leave at 0 for automatic configuration. Change requires extension reload.
Enables debug features used for development. False by default. Change requires extension reload.