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Developer manual

Here you will find the information you need if you want to contribute to this project's creation or just want to compile the project yourself.

Project structure

  • .cargo - Cargo configuration to enable xtasks
  • .vscode - VSCode specific files with debugging configurations
  • crates - Rust packages forming WIDE. The main crate is lsp, which contains language server implementation
  • docs - project documentation from which this website is built
  • editors - contains implementations of WitcherScript language client, currently just vscode client written in TypeScript
  • media - all sorts of visual assets used throughout the repository
  • schemas - contains witcherscript.toml schema
  • xtask - code for build commands to speed up development

Building the project

You will need Rust with Cargo to build the server and node.js with npm to build the client.

Project utilises the xtask convention of writing build scripts in Rust. To call a build script simply run cargo xtask {command} in the root project directory. You can run cargo xtask --help to see all the available commands and what they do.

Currently available xtask commands:

  • prep-server - build and copy LSP server executable into VSCode's extension directory
    • --release - should LSP be built with optimised release profile
    • --target - compilation target triple, e.g. x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
  • prep-client - build VSCode client
    • --watch - whether client should be continuously watched for changes made to it and rebuilt
    • --fast - whether client should be built instantly by skipping npm ci step
  • prep-rw3d - download the Rusty Witcher 3 Debugger CLI needed by the client
  • package - build and package VSCode extension into a .vsix file
    • --out - output path for the .vsix file; default is "./witcherscript-ide.vsix"
    • --target - VSCode extension target, e.g. win32-x64
    • --pre-release - mark the package as pre-release
  • install - build, package and install the VSCode extension locally

The usual procedure is as follows:

  1. Run prep-server whenever making changing to the LSP server. The executable cannot be updated during an active extension host session.
  2. Run prep-client whenever making changes to the VSCode client code. This can be done during extension host session, but changes can be observed only after extension reload.
  3. Run prep-rw3d when building the project for the first time or when the desired version of the tool changes.
  4. Run all the above when building the project for the first time.


Use VSCode to debug the client and server. The project provides launch configurations for both of them:

  • Launch Client - launches the extension host session of the client. Client needs to be built first!
  • Attach to Server - attaches to the currently running server process created by the client. You need the CodeLLDB extension for this.

Building docs

Documentation of the project is generated using MKDocs. To locally serve and test the website: 1. Make sure you have python3 with pip installed 2. Install MKDocs and dependencies

pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material
3. Serve the website
mkdocs serve

To learn more about MKDocs check out their website at


Contributions to the project are welcome. First create an issue or a PR to discuss the change you want to make and ensure that it doesn't conflict with any future plans or core features. The active development branch is dev.

You can access the project board conveniently detailing what has been done and future plans. The board does not contain everything though and some issues might just be annotated with TODO or FIXME comments. For this I highly recommend the Todo Tree extension.